Anne Brennan really does make her predecessor,
Rick Holmes, look
like a firebrand conservative.
She alone decides what you see on the MWDN and one may suspect her discerning eye may be one-sided. I've always enjoyed watching women like Anne Brennan who endorse religion. By not being critical of the Bible and Quran, she seems to be openly supporting misogyny and homophobia and religious hatred. AttaGirl, Anne. Always assisting the religious terrorist. If she does not oppose Islam, I expect to see her in a burqa and niqab in 10 years. She's one of those liberal idiots that believes that she can sit down with muslims and they will start singing Kumbaya around a camp fire roasting marshmallows.
![]() The notion that she takes the imaginary creature God as a real thing is breathtaking. The epitomy of stupidity for any person her age . Everytime I read her paper, my head wants to explode from seeing stupidity that exudes in every article.
Anna Brennan would not allow me to respond to some jerkoff about
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In response to Anne Brennan's diatribe on the Hemenway letters
to a young muslim girl, she would not print my response.
Anne Brennan refused to print this letter to the editor.
In response to Anne Brennan's diatribe on why
the press is not the enemy of the people.
She refused to print it.
Anne Brennan says "To understand the modern press, one must first understand its less-than-objective roots. Many of the earliest newspapers in this country were partisan rags with clear agendas that were no secret to their readers." I'm not sure anything has changed on this issue. As Mark Twain noted: If you do not read the local paper, you are uninformed. If you do read the local paper you are misinformed. Anne Brennan says "Readers and viewers have a right and a responsibility to hold the press to a high standard. We welcome that scrutiny and look forward to continuing to provide you with the facts." Question for Anne: Is it a fact that God, Allah, and Jesus exist? Anne Brennan says "The true enemy of any democracy is ignorance, and the only way to battle ignorance is through the acquisition of knowledge: a single set of well-researched, incontrovertible, unbiased facts." I am sure Anne Brennan has researched God, Jehovah, Elohim, Allah, Jesus, angels, the bible and quran What's your verdict on these creatures, Anne? Anne Brennan says "The frayed social compact between the news media and its audience must be rebuilt.". How? By spewing out support for imaginary creatures and the shamans, rabbis, imans, priests, clergy, etc.. that peddle them? By supporting the bible and quran that support misogyny, homophobia and slavery? Wake up, Anne, its 2018. I still think our local press is the enemy of the people, the enemy of common sense, the enemy of rational thought and the enemy of science in general.
Submitted as a letter to the editor 01/15/2019
Anne Brennan, being the defender of the Faith, would not print it.
In response to "DA Ryan warns about scam artists", our Middlesex DA warns us annually about scams on seniors, but ALWAYS leaves out religion. Her affiliation with Stone Hill College leads me to believe she is catholic. Why doesn't she announce her religious bias for all to see and understand why she does not see religion as a scam. As mere peasants, are we not entitled to know? The definition of Fraud is an intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right. A false representation of a matter of fact whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of that which should have been disclosed, which deceives and is intended to deceive another so that he shall act upon it to his legal injury. Any kind of artifice employed by one person to deceive another. How is it she tells us about scams but does not label Rev. Anthony J. Lloyd or Rabbi Yakov Lazaros as scam artists? What concrete service does do these two men provide the community in exchange for tything or support? How much do they make to run their temples or churches and be free of property taxes. Is god real? Can someone in the Middlesex DA's office, or the Mayor's office or the Framingham City Council or the Framingham School Committee show me one miserable little god? Please! I've always seen Marian T. Ryan's office as a scam.
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