In the weekly news letter dated 20240421 from our stupid/moronic
jewish mayor
, his
obese wife
and his
propaganda minister
I see an article on Passover . It's written in a cutesy way but it neglects certain facts. Passover is in the beginning of the Exodus .
Yahweh tells Moses to tell the jews to paint their door with lambs
blood so that the ever petulant jewish god
Yahweh, the true devil
These jewish assholes are actually celebrating a genocide .
I will be delighted to talk about his Passover issue with the
his obese wife, and other alleged
jewish experts and idiot friends on the council
Meanwhile, these jewish
creationists morons
But, on the other hand, they do believe in the Biblical Talkies
It's a shame I don't believe in their alleged holocaust . I'd celebrate it on April 20th.
If we are indeed to believe in the
story of liberation and freedom of two million jewish slaves,
then let us celebrate the death of
I do find extremely offensive that our idiot mayor, with the consent of the Framingham council are pushing a lie about their bullshit religion using public funds. BTW, is our asshole mayor allowing Framingham DPW to plow church/jewish temple parking lots? If the council does not stop that idiot jew mayor, I'll have to call in the Freedom From Religion Foundation
If our police chief doesn't stop that idiot jew mayor from peddling his assinine religion
at public expense....
I suggest to all jews in Framingham not to use a church or a temple to discuss public business. This is in violation of the first amendment. I've seen photos of our government officials discussing government in churches. I will make inquiries with the IRS about this . |
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