It would seem that Susan Petroni is a believer in some scrawny
invisible non-existent god and it seems to be the jewish god, not
that pesky christian Jesus or the ever annoying muslim Allah.
Her privately owned paper will not condemn religion in any way because she either believes in all this religious crap, or simply because she would lose readership and income. Her persistent and unending use of the coded term antisemitism as a negative behaviour suggests strongly she is a jewish idiot. As such, she becomes a supporter of terrorism that religion provides. Religion is an institution that divides us and clearly supports homophobia, misogyny and slavery. Please read the bible or quran. Susan Petroni clearly supports homophobia, misogyny and slavery.
![]() I'd be delighted to discuss this issue with her on AF/TV but that will not happen because the AF/TV management (Board of Directors) is predominantly jewish and as we know, they think of themselves as really important to mankind.
Susan S. Petroni 04/30/1966 Editor
In response to Golden's letter on antisemitism, I'd like to point out
he neglects to tell us what a Jew is, and why he uses the ambiguous term
"antisemitic" when he means anti-jewish. A jew, in so far I can tell is
another human being like me who came out of the trees but he/she believes
in their holy book, the Torah, allegedly written by a mean malevolent
inerrant god called YHWH who in a fit of childish petulance decided
to kill every single pregnant woman and every single child on earth, in that
nice children's tale about Noah's Ark. This god YHWH also stated that
jews were his favorite people, but it seems that Christians have developed
a different interpetation on that line.
Judaism is a small religion because they do not allow proselytizing and require male jews to be circumcised so that YHWH can properly identify you as a jew.
In their holy book, the Torah, YHWH clearly and unambiguously states that
jews are to
kill atheists, blasphemers, anyone found to be gay,
Only the Quran and the Torah, as bad pieces of literature promote slavery, killing of blasphemers, gays, etc., promote misogyny and yet they are not considered hate literature. What's wrong with this picture. To all you religious believers who believe they have a god, could you please show me a god. Just one miserable little god . Pretty please.
You can not say you condemn antisemitism if you do not publicize the assault of a Jew on the way to temple in New York. You can not say you condemn antisemitism if you support a candidate who calls for the expulsion of Jews from the United States. You can not say you condemn antisemitism if you support groups such as the American Nazi Party, KKK or others that call for the murder of Jews. You can not say you condemn antisemitism if you ignore swastikas painted on residence halls at colleges. You can not say you condemn antisemitism unless you condemn the vandals who through rocks not once but twice thru the glass panels of Boston's Holocaust Memorial. You can not say you condemn antisemitism if you are silent when gravestones are toppled in a Jewish cemetery. You can not say you condemn antisemitism if you support a girl being forced to resign from a position on her university's Student Council because she is Jewish. You can not say you condemn antisemitism if you do not condemn a professor's refusal to write a letter of recommendation for a student to intern in Israel because he does not support the 'Jewish State'. You can not say you condemn antisemitism when you see anti-Semitic incidents and remain silent because you don't want to make waves. You must be proactive to stop incidents before they happen and not reactive apologizing after they happen. Silence is not golden, you must make waves, speak out and be heard.
Stephen William Golden Framingham |
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