Every tax is a pay cut.  Every tax cut is a pay raise.
Citizens for Limited Taxation

The town government is once again trying to dig deeper into your pockets, but regretably, there is a consensus that a Proposition 2 1/2 override will not work.  As such, the town is proposing a trash fee to "encourage" recycling.  If you allow this fee, you can expect many more fees in the future. Just vote against it.

See assorted editorials/letters on the subject by Maccormack and Doug Freeman.

This could become a way of circumventing Proposiiton 2 1/2 for all services.  In the future, the fire and police department will start charging a fee on all calls.  That'll be the time you'll start asking why you pay taxes at all?

In 1991, Framingham passed a $4.5 million override.  This override included $2.5 million earmarked to save the trash program.  If you index the $2.5 million by 2.5% each year since 1991, you will get $3.4 million. The budget for trash removal, including recycling for fiscal 2004 is $3.1 million.

Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com