Every tax is a pay cut.  Every tax cut is a pay raise.
Citizens for Limited Taxation

October 2, 2003
I submitted a series of questions on the issue of illegal residents in Framingham.
Submitted to the Board of Selectman on 10/02/2003.

 1. Is it the responsibility of this town government to follow the law as it
    is written?

 2. Would the Framingham town manager or the town's Board of Selectman
    deliberately do anything that violates the law?

 3. If the Framingham town manager or the town's Board of Selectman did
    violate the law, wouldn't they be a law breaker.

 4. If the Framingham town manager or the town's Board of Selectman 
    were law breakers, shouldn't they be arrested and thrown in jail?

 5. Is it the policy of this town to harbor and help illegal residents
    within Framingham?

 6. Why has our police chief made the statement that when he arrests an
    illegal resident, he will not turn them over to the US immigration
    department when he is required by law?
    (Title 8, section 1324)?

 7. Is this an issue that concerns this board?

 8. How do you intend to remedy this situation?

 9. If our police chief can selectively enforce laws
    (like wait for Seth Levenson to show up, but not enforce US immigration
    laws), shouldn't the taxpayer have the right to selectively pay taxes
    on government programs that they want?

    I would suggest to the Framingham taxpayers that they should withhold
    taxes until this board makes it clear that the Framingham police
    will enforce US immigration laws.

10. Aren't you susceptible to legal actions by citizens for failing to
    perform the functions of government?  Law enforcement.  Where in our
    by-laws or state laws does it state that you can selectively enforce
    federal laws?

11. I will be delighted to contact state and federal agencies in case our
    police chief needs assistance in this matter.  Does he need help?

12. As a footnote, if the police bring any illegals into Nevins Hall but
    do not turn them in to the US Immigration department, they are harboring
    and aiding an illegal.  Accordingly, Nevins Hall can be seized by
    Federal agents.

    Massachusetts Attorney General
    One Ashburton Place
    Boston, MA 02108-1698
    Tel: (617) 727-2200
    TTY: (617) 727-4765

    Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
    Enforcement Activities: 
        To contact our Enforcement Office, please telephone us at
        (617) 565-3100 or you may visit our office at the
        JFK Federal Building, Room 1725 

    Massachusetts State Police
    Legal Section
    470 Worcester Road
    Framingham, MA 01702 

December 4, 2003

Selectmen's Statement in Response to Questions Posed by Harold Wolfe

Framingham resident Harold Wolfe has provided the Board with several
questions that he wishes the Board to answer.  I have carefully reviewed
the questions and have concluded that the questions are rhetorical in nature
and are not susceptible to a factual response.  Suffice it to say generally
that the Board of Selectmen, the Town of Framingham, and its officials and
employees endeavor each day to deliver essential municipal services in
a courteous and efficient manner, and to enforce all of its bylaws and
regulations fairly as to all residents in Town.  The Town also is committed
to enforcing state and federal laws, including immigration laws, to the
extent the enforcement of such laws is within the purview and
responsibility of the Town.

Mr. Wolfe is free to raise his concerns that the immigration laws are not
being fully enforced. just as any citizen is free to petition the government
to claim that other laws are not being enforced or that their grievances
have not been addressed generally.  While proper law enforcement is and
should be a concern of this Board and the citizens of this Town, this
Board also will not be party to an effort that results in discrimination,
unfair treatment or harassment of our valued immigrant population.

The Board of Selectmen and Framingham officials work every day to improve
the lives of the residents of Town, and do the best job that they can.
Simply because Mr. Wolfe does not believe the immigration laws are not
being properly enforced in Framingham does not mean that he is correct or
that the actions of Framingham officials have been wrong or improper in
any way.  While Mr. Wolfes questions may engender a lively debate, they
really have very little to do with the essential issues that Framingham must
address to continue to serve all of its residents in these difficult
budgetary times.  To accomplish our primary objectives, we must roll up
our sleeves and work cooperatively to devise cost-effective, sensible
and creative solutions that benefit all, not one group over another.

Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com