Every tax is a pay cut.  Every tax cut is a pay raise.
Citizens for Limited Taxation

August 7, 2003
In an August 3rd article on the Framingham Taxpayers Association, George P. King, Jr. made an inference that he was fiscally responsible.  I had to chastise him for that remark.

We've just come out of the biggest economic boom of the last 300 years of our history, and the town came out of it needing an operational override.  Despite an unprecentented amount of money pouring into town coffers, spending had increased faster than the incoming revenue stream.

I told George that he does not even understand the meaning of the term "fiscal responsibility".

The main item in the meeting's agenda was King's annual review.  It seems that four of five selectman are in a hurry to review him. I have to wonder why the need for speed.  He can always get any pay increases retroactively.

Selectwoman Ginger Esty asked for information from King and was not able to get it so she is holding up the process.

Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com