Every tax is a pay cut.  Every tax cut is a pay raise.
Citizens for Limited Taxation

The Parasitic Urge by Dr. Charles Ormsby, The Valley Patriot
Throughout history, some percentage of the animal kingdom has learned to survive successfully as parasites and this affliction has not spared the human race.

To those species that accept the burden of survival based on their own efforts, parasites are a scourge.

Survival requires effort.

Most members of the human race survive based on their own efforts but a few learned that they could survive at the expense of others.

Even today, providing for yourself and your family requires a lot of work. If you can find a way to live off the efforts of others, you can avoid much of the normal struggle and effort..

Parasites want to live as well or better than you without having to expend the effort. Parasites want the advantage of having your products without having to do the work that you have to invest to acquire them.

Parasites, by constantly expropriating the property of others, reduce the capital available for investment and the incentives to invest of what remains. As such, parasites are a drag on human progress when they use the force of government to steal the property and efforts of others.

Are you a parasite? Here's a few questions for you?

Do you seek to gain an advantage in life by disanvantaging others or supporting restrictions on their rights?

Do you support regulations that ensure your life is improved at the expense of others.

Do you support taxes that will be used to fund programs that will benefit you?

Do you think others in society owe you or your family things that you want such as food, clothing, shelter, medical services or educational opportunities?

If you answered yes to any of these, congratulations! You qualify as a modern day parasite. You probably think you are an innocent, compassionate, well meaning, forward looking individual, but in reality, you are a descendant, possibly sharing a faulty gene - of the earliest human criminals that roamed the earth clubbing their fellow humans and stealing their food.

Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com