Every tax is a pay cut.  Every tax cut is a pay raise.
Citizens for Limited Taxation

A recap of Framingham health insurance numbers derived from this document
  Individual Plan Family Plan
Plan Name % paid by
# of members Percent Monthly
# of members Percent Monthly
Blue Care 75% 77 2.3% $1,085 20 0.5% $2,699
Medex 75% 985 29.5% $450      
Blue Choice 80% 132 4% $602 142 4% $1,580
HMO Blue 90% 665 19.9% $470 1,194 36% $1,230
Fallon 90% 7 0.2% $726 17 0.6% $1,961
Fallon Senior 90% 26 0.8% $177      
Blue Care 65 90% 47 1.4% $203      
Carveout A 75% 28 0.8% $679      
Totals   1,967 58.9%   1,373 41.1%  

Health insurance for town and school employees is codified into law through MGL 32B S19

As of 2007, the Town of Framingham had 788 town employees of which 559 are full time and 110 are part time. Only 60 of the part time employees are eligible for health care coverage.

The Town of Framingham schools had 2,004 employees of which 1,344 were full time and 660 were part time.  Only 60 of the part time employees are eligible for health care coverage.

The total number of active and eligible employees is 2023.  The number of eligible town retirees is 800 and the number of eligible Mass teachers retirement board members is 600 for a grand total of 3,423 individuals.

A total of 3,340 policies are in effect.

Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com