[Nobscot] handicap kayak access

George Marold

Mon, Nov 7, 8:36 AM (3 days ago)

to framnobscot

I see that somebody wants to put in a handicap kayak access at Lake Waushakum and I have been waiting for somebody to recognize the absurdity of that proposal. But maybe it's just me.

What is the demand for such a facility? How many handicapped kayakers have petitioned the city for such a thing? How many handicapped kayakers are there around here, anyway. Besides me, that is.

I can tell you that the problem of getting the boat into the water and then getting into the boat, pales compared to the problem of getting the boat onto the car at the house and off the car at the put-in. I can do it by myself if I have to, with a struggle, but it is much easier with a paddling buddy, which you should have anyway if you go onto the water. I and my usual paddling have both been to advanced training that qualifies us to get each other, or ourselves, back into the boat when we tip over. Because kayaking involves tipping over, when, not if.

Maybe the proposal is really about providing for assisted suicide. Is that something the city wants to do?

George Marold

Nobscot, Framingham

About/contact George Marold: http://forums.e-democracy.org/p/georgemarold

Janet Leombruno janetleombruno@gmail.com via onlinegroups.net

Mon, Nov 7, 9:37 AM (2 days ago)

to p-77arBlfxmxzG4yjRtu8zJm, framnobscot

Hi George, maybe I can offer some clarity here... people with disabilities come in all shapes, sizes and forms, and those in the disability world prefer to use the word, disabled.

Disabled people just want to be included, to feel normal, that is why equal access is so important.

*** By having this ramp, the disabled become more equal.

Many kayakers seem to travel in pairs or groups and many kayaks are two seaters, so able-bodied friends can help them with that, or they can help them with their own. Assuming people with disabilities cannot kayak or swim is the very stereotype they've spent years trying to get away from.

*** A disability usually includes the loss of function of an arm(s) or leg(s).
*** How disabled does one have to be to use this ramp. A quadriplegic?
*** Will ramp instructions be available in Braille, so the blind can feel normal?

My sister got around better in her scooter than many able bodied I know, she ran circles around most.. in fact she could swim better than she could walk. And I know if she was here she would be the first one, on the first kayak on the very first launch.

*** How many such handicap kayak ramps will there be across Framingham?

Here's to progress Framingham. Thanks to Sheryl Goldstein and to the Disability Commission, and to Karen Dempsey for your tireless efforts being carried forward.

Best, Janet Leombruno

Craighead craighead@brackenmeade.com via onlinegroups.net

Mon, Nov 7, 2:08 PM (2 days ago)

to framnobscot

Dear Mr. Marold:

I am glad that City Councilor At Large Janet Leombruno provided such an informative and comprehensive response. I am sure you did not mean it, but your original email, particularly the last line, was very unkind.

I also have a hard time getting out of a kayak- at least when I am trying. However, I am a very able swimmer. I would be happy to help you get your kayak on and off your car, if you will give me a hand out of my kayak. Or I will be able to use the new ramp.


Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com